Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Grow Baby, Grow Baby, Grow!

This is me and Baby Martin at only 12 weeks.
(Yes, I said 12 weeks. Look out 40!)
I am 15 weeks pregnant today and counting. Do you see how huge I am already? I mean, I still have 25 weeks to go. Can you imagine how round I will be by the end? Matt says that he'll probably be able to roll me around like that mean girl off Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Ompa, ompa, opma di do. :)
I did go back to the doctor yesterday and got a good report. The baby is measuring right on schedule. Of course little Baby Martin decided to hide from the doctor again. I hope that is not a sign that we will be calling out the baby's name in grocery stores all the time because it has decided to play hide-n-seek AGAIN. The boys are still praying for a baby sister, so please pray that they will be accepting no matter what the gender.

Funny story: Corbin wore his "Big Brother" t-shirt to school the other day and his teacher asked if he knew if he was having a baby brother or sister. To which Corbin replied, "We don't know. We can't see it's hair yet." I think I like the idea of basing it off the hair verses having to explain to him about how little girls' parts are different from little boys'.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Colby & Daniel's Baby Shower

Daniel & Colby with Ainsley's first fishing pole & tackle box.
Me, Colby & Holly.
Last weekend my sister-in-law Holly and I gave Matt's brother and his wife a baby shower for their soon-to-be little girl. A lot of people got to come and celebrate the upcoming arrival of their first baby, Miss Ainsley Kathleen. We love ya'll and wish nothing but joy and happiness for your growing family.

Just a bunch of Rebels.

The Whole Martin Crew The 'boys' enjoying the game.
Mom & Matthew
Mom & Corbin

A couple of weeks ago we were given tickets to the Ole Miss/Florida game in Oxford. (Thanks Larry & Michelle!) We had such a good time. This was the first college game that Corbin and I had been to. Corbin got hot and bored along the way but some how ended up leaving the game saying he had a GREAT time. Ahh...life as a six year old.